Classification of Longquan Sword Varieties
Source: | Author:zhenshi | Published time: 2022-08-26 | 616 Views | Share:
Longquan Baojian has three basic types: hard sword, soft sword and traditional martial arts sword.Hard sword: It is famous for its hardness and sharpness. It can cut fifteen or six coppers without hurting the blade.

Longquan Baojian has three basic types: hard sword, soft sword and traditional martial arts sword.

Hard sword: It is famous for its hardness and sharpness. It can cut fifteen or six coppers without hurting the blade.

Soft sword: It is famous for its flexibility and excellent elasticity. It can bend 360 degrees and let go as before. It is also called belt sword.

Traditional martial arts sword: it can be divided into single sword, double sword, long edge sword and short sword. It can be danced and stabbed. The body of the long edge sword can be bent and stretched freely for 90 degrees. It combines hardness with softness and does not cut the blade. In addition, there are walking stick swords, martial arts swords, single and double swords and other varieties, as well as various special swords and other martial arts equipment specially made according to the requirements of the martial arts industry.

The buyer should consider the height of the body, and generally the sword point should be slightly higher than the ear wheel.

Longquan Sword is forged from high-quality steel grid. The process is fine. It is finely polished by hand without plating. The cold light is striking, but it is not made of stainless steel, so it should be properly kept and cared for; It is not suitable to stay in a damp place and touch with sweat for a long time, and it is strictly prohibited to contact with acids and alkalis. After use, wipe it with a clean soft cloth, and then oil it (sewing oil, gun cleaning oil, rust proof oil, etc.). The sword should also be oiled when not in use to keep it smooth and clean.